LeoUncia and OrcaRat
The PWC-named malware OrcaRat is presented as a new piece of malware but looking at the URI used for C&C communication, it could be an updated version of a well-known and kind of old piece of malware: LeoUncia. Status Let’s face it: px~NFEHrGXF9QA=2/5mGabiSKSCIqbiJwAKjf+Z81pOurL1xeCaw=1/xXiPyUqR/hBL9DW2nbQQEDwNXIYD3l5EkpfyrdVpVC8kp/4WeCaArZAnd+QEYVSY9QMw=2 URI taken from an OrcaRat sample.It looks a lot like: qFUtb6Sw/TytLfLsy/HnqI8QCX/ZRfFP9KL/_2yA9GIK/iufEXR2r/e6ZFBfoN/fcgL04f7/ZBzUuV5T/Balrp2Wm URI taken from