

Intern SOC Analyst

Meet Marie, our Intern SOC Analyst

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Marie is one of our future cyber superheroes as she is currently completing the final year of her internship at Airbus CyberSecurity as a SOC Analyst. During this interview, she explains how she discovered the cyber industry and became passionate about it.

She also gives advice to female students who might be interested in working in the cyber industry.

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What is you role within Airbus CyberSecurity?

I am in the final year of my internship at Airbus Cybersecurity, specifically within the SOC, the Security Operation Center. The objective of my internship is to implement cyber attacks and to deduce efficient and adapted means of defence and detection.

What is your educational background?

I have a classic engineering background. I got my scientific baccalaureate with honours. Afterwards, I didn’t know what to do, so I went to a preparatory class to integrated an elite engineering university. Then, I still didn’t know what to do, so I went to a general engineering school in the digital sector, where I discovered the field of cybersecurity and I became passionate about it.

What advice would you give to a female student who wants to work in cyber?

Personally, if someone had told me that I would be here five years ago, I would never have believed it. Gradually, I realised that I was as deserving as anyone in this field. So my message is mainly for high school and university girls; I wish them not to be afraid to dream, to be ambitious and to go for it.

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